Thursday, October 27, 2011

We're under the spell of Candy Corn this Halloween

The kids rolled their caramel apples onto crushed M&Ms and candy corn pieces

We made "breakfast cupcakes" (pumpkins muffins with creme cheese frosting)

And a Star Wars cake

Candy and must be Halloween.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Moss Design, 18 "

I'm so excited.

For those that prefer it in a larger size,
I now have Moss Monogrammed and Plain Jane Wreaths in 18".

My first order was local so I hand-delivered it.
Check out this insane porch! Wow!

No one was home.

So I put the 18" "S" on the white-painted wrought iron chair...

and as I was getting in my car guess who pulled up.

And in minutes it was up on her side gate.

She loved it so much she plans to order another one for her other side gate!

I'll have the 18" moss monogrammed wreath up on etsy soon, in the meantime,
send me a message via FB if you'd like to place an order.

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Union Jack cookies

Graham crackers, red vines, white icing, blue icing.

My boys were at a friend's house for a playdate and they made American Flag cookies.  

Her leftovers were my party favors (I guess she knows me pretty well), and we couldn't wait to get sticky.

We ran out of stars - so with a little inspiration from Nigel Gearsley... a surprise for English grandpa's visit tomorrow.

Homemade sugary goodness wrapped in kid art.

I'm not sure they're going to make it until morning.

It's been a long day.

My heart's full and my sweet tooth's feeling it!

So cute...


Thanks friend.

That made my day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pop of Turquoise, Photo Shoot

A little photo shoot with my latest design before it leaves The Workshop.

This sassy customer loves a pop of turquoise!

What's your favorite accent color?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Mini Dessert Pies

Need a fun dessert to bring to your end-of-summer shindig?

These individual strawberry pies were super easy. A combo of pre-made dough and homemade strawberry jam. Any combination of pre-made and homemade works...and any fruit works.

But getting the most flavorful fruit you can is the easiest way to make these delicious. I also added crushed and chunky strawberries to my jam to make the pie filling.

Here's the fun part! When it's time for dessert, each pie can be yummified!
Take the star lid off, add whip cream and fresh blueberries.
No extra plates, no extra utensils. And small enough for kids hands too.

What's going on in your kitchen this morning?

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday Morning at Farmer's Market

Meeting and supporting local farmers...

Listening to the mornin' Blues sung so soulfully....

Snackin' on Santa Cruz yumminess...

And soaking up the sun with the flowers...

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Project Peach, Canning Yumminess

We're clinging to spontaneous summer fun before our fall routine is in full swing with schedules.

After a week of enjoying Trader Joe's peaches, we decided to check out our local farm for our Project Peach, affectionately nicknamed "PP" by the boys...with ongoing outbursts of giggles - apparently potty humor never gets old!

Project Peach. From start to finish. Our version of the Sciene Channel's 'How It's Made'.

We started at the farm. It was so much fun watching them pick the peaches and running through the orchards.

We decided to make peach preserves. This is more than enough peaches for the recipe. I was told O'Henry are the best for canning.

This was my first time canning. So I'm not an expert. I'd like to think of myself as an enthusiast. So we enthusiastically worked through the recipe together...what a HUGE mess!

...but they were happy...and it was surprisingly manageable for a kid project.

Honestly, we were thinking of it more as an experiment!

No one was more surprised than I was that it was edible. And not just edible, but delicious. Spread on toast for this morning's breakfast. And again on toast for an afternoon snack.

The rest are on a shelf and ready for Holiday gifts. If they make it that long!

I'm pretty sure the consistency isn't close to what it should be...but I don't think it matters. The flavor is a-mazing.

If you're a new canner, looking for a fun activity for the kiddos, or needing to get through your peaches before they spoil, here's an easy recipe. It's from and submitted by a guy named Kevin. Nice name, right? I was certain he knew a thing or two about peach preserves. Plus he received 4 1/2 stars!

Peach Preserves
Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr
Ready In: 2 hrs
Servings: 64 (translates to 10 small mason jars)

12 fresh peaches, pitted and chopped (I used O'Henry)
4 1/2 cups white sugar (ugh!...but sure was tasty!)
1 (2 ounce) package dry pectin

1. Crush 1 cup chopped peaches in the bottom of a large saucepan. Add remaining peaches, and set pan over medium-low heat. Bring to a low boil, and cook for about 20 minutes or until peaches become mostly liquid with bits of peaches.
2, Pour peaches into a bowl, and then measure 6 cups back into the pan. Add sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Gradually stir in dry pectin and boil for 1 minute.
3. Remove from heat after 1 minute and transfer to sterilized jars. process in hot water bath canner for 10 minutes, Let cool and place on a shelf.

Have any recipes you want to share? I'd love to hear them.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Baby's Diagnosis - A Mother's Journey

I met Meredith a few years back. I loved her instantly. She's one of those women that truly radiates and doesn't even realize it. Our kids are the same age and we would laughingly commiserate over potty training, nap schedules, nutrition...while we fed our vices on our girl's night out evenings, giggly over juicy girl talk. To be honest, I found the toddler years to be overwhelming. But mine was a minor adjustment compared to a lifetime's adjustment. Meredith's entry in motherhood makes me realize the strength of a mother.

Meet Meredith. Like many of you, she's definitely a She-ro. Here's her story.

Please share with us how Callen was diagnosed:
Callen was born at Skyridge Hospital, which was participating in the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in Youth) study. I gave the study permission to take some of the newborn heel stick blood sample to determine if Cal had some of the genetic markers. At ten weeks, they called to tell me that he did have the gene/series of genes that made him high risk, but that meant only a 3 - 4% chance of developing diabetes in his lifetime. We decided to participate in the study further, going into the Barbara Davis Center (at Children's Hospital) every 3 months. I was 9 months pregnant with Johnny when they called to tell me that Callen's blood sample showed the presence of two antibodies, an indicator that diabetes was present. Since it's an auto-immune disease, these antibodies attack the islet cells, which produce insulin. The study was around only a few years, so they could not tell me if the diagnosis would come in a matter of month or years. About six weeks later, with a newborn in tow, we went to the BDC for the study's regular 3 month check-up. They tested his A1C (a three month blood sugar average) and it was already in the diabetic range. The doctors came in and told us to begin testing blood glucose level twice each day (before eating in the morning and two hours after breakfast) and to call if it was above 250. They said "It won't happen over night", but sure enough, that night his bg was a 300 after dinner. We took him back in for the "Diabetes Boot Camp" the next day and he has been on insulin ever since. That was July 14, 2008.

What was your initial reaction?
Well initially, you're going through training and kick into mom mode, like "I've got this." But then we took our training home and learned quickly that it's not as formulaic as you think. Managing the highs and lows, the honeymoon period and activity, etc. is different from child to child and it's a lot of trial and error. I began to
go through a grieving period, mourning the loss of what I thought our lives would be, if that makes sense. I was angry when people asked me if he would outgrow it, or asked if I gave him too much sugar as a baby. I was saddened that my son would have to go through life being poked, dosed, not feeling well, and constantly monitored. And selfishly, I was sad for my husband and me. It was stress on our relationship and there was a point where I thought we would never again leave the house together. After about six months came the acceptance.

What were some of the challenges you faced?
At diagnosis, Callen was tested for and ultimately came up positive for Celiac disease. This is pretty common in diabetics, as the two auto-immune diseases share some genetic components. When he was still eating gluten, he frequently went low and we didn't understand why. When we changed his diet, he began absorbing food and truly showing those high numbers. The highs were very difficult for us, and there were weeks where we called the doctor 2 - 3 times to adjust dosage. I'm the type of person that would like everything to be black and white, but we had to learn to go with the flow.

When did you realize that you were going to be able to handle this?
During the first few months, Matt and I would often get upset or cry when having to finger poke Cal, or give him shots. We would get so frustrated when we couldn't get the blood on the stick to test him, and apologize profusely that we had to test him again. He would look at us like - "What's wrong with you guys?" and go on about his business. He would never give us a hard time with testing, and soon, would see us coming with the meter and just point out his finger. We knew that having him diagnosed so early was a blessing - he would never know a life without diabetes. Kids are so incredibly resilient and when he didn't make it a big deal, we started to relax and adopt the "new normal." Even today, when kids ask why Cal gets tested, or what his pump is for, he says matter-of-factly, "I have diabetes."

Callen's Wolf Pack

And this year you started your own non-profit?
Yes! This year, we started our own non-profit - Callen's Wolfpack. The first fundraiser was held in July and was a Cocktail Bowling event at Lucky Strike. We had about 85 people and raised $6,000 through tickets and a silent auction, all of which will go directly to our JDRF walk team. I am currently meeting with some other organizations to determine where else Callen's Wolfpack, Inc can help. I'm focusing on providing supplies to those parents/kiddos that have no or inadequate insurance coverage.

This year, the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) has a goal to raise $89M through its annual walk, $953K of which will come from Denver (where we live), and hopefully $8 - $10k of which will come from Callen's Wolfpack.
If you'd like to get involved, donate, join a team, or find out more, you can reach Meredith and Callen's Wolf Pack at:

Callen's Wolf Pack will be participating in the annual JDRF Walk in Denver on September 11th.  The walk begins at 9 a.m. at the Pepsi Center and both breakfast treats and lunch are provided.  If you aren't in Denver, the JDRF hosts many fundraisers/walks, to learn more go to to see if they're coming to a city near you.

One more question! What do you feel are the biggest misconceptions about Type 1 diabetes?

I think there are a lot of misconceptions about Type 1 diabetes because so many people live with Type 2.
* There is no cure for T1 diabetes - there is no diet change, or supplement that will make it go away. The only way to live with T1 diabetes is dependence on insulin.
* No one with T1 diabetes has or ever will "outgrow" it.

* They have yet
 to determine what environmental factors make some kids develop it while others don't.

Thanks Meredith. Good luck to Callen's Wolf Pack! We'll be cheering you on!

If you have any questions, concerns, tips...please feel free to share.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ooh-la-la! Monogrammed Moss Wreaths
 It's back-to-school time, and if you're anything like me, I'm already thinking about fall decorating with burlap and pumpkins, and special gifts for family and friends this holiday season.

So if you're getting a head-start too...and love these classic yet whimsy wreaths, come on over to my etsy shop and place an order! Mention "ooh-la-la" and receive complementary burlap ribbon!

Aren't these the perfect gift for your mom, mother-in-law or girlfriends?!

They'll say "Ooh-la-la!"

The 4 young designs' moss workshop is already open for orders!

Don't forget to get your order in early. All these moss creations are hand-made.


Monday, August 8, 2011

GIVEAWAY! What's in your basket? (Value: $64.96)

Photo courtesy:

Aren't these baskets fabulous?! I first saw them in a promotion Willow House was doing earlier this summer, and haven't stopped thinking about how completely versatile they are. Basically, they complete me!

As I started becoming more familiar with their home decor catalog, I was starting to fall in love. And as it turns out, so were they! So you can imagine how excited I was when I was invited to join in a Willow House Fall Launch Party to showcase my monogrammed moss wreaths

We're in the mood to celebrate this fun new party partnership, so we're giving away these rustic darlings.


How do you win?

I'm so glad you asked! I loved Willow House's promotion so much I'm going to copy it (highest form of flattery, right?)

Be creative, the 'most creative use' wins! Think of all the ways you could use these baskets, and send Amy a message at - and include '4yd'  in your message to be entered in this giveaway.

The drawing will be on August 19th. Amy will be posting the winner on her facebook page so make sure to "like" it and stay tuned!

Good luck!

But if you don't win, don't fret!  If you must have these (or any of the other fun items from Willow House), then order directly from Amy's website at If you mention (spelled out) 'fouryoungdesigns' as your "host" at checkout you'll receive a 10% rebate.

Oh, ...and what's in my basket?

Wreath supplies of course! Moss, paint supplies and gardening tools!

Happy Monday!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Art Therapy - When You Need a Truce, Reach for a Paint Brush

It doesn't have to be a paintbrush - sidewalk chalk, paper/scissors, paper/cheerios/glue, findings from a nature walk - anything!

Sure it's messy.

But at least everyone's happy again.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lemonade Stand

Sun-drenched days filled with lemonade stands, Radio Flyer wagons and ladybug's starting to feel a lot like summer! Designed and operated by my two favorite superheroes. My husband had gently told me that the lemonade stand mommy designed was a little over-the-top (who me? ...using a white-wash faux French flower cart with a lemon topiary...Ha! Ha! ).

So after a scavenger hunt throughout the house, the boys redesigned their lemonade stand with their wagon, they set up on the corner, and they were in business!

They earned enough for a couple Finn McMissile Cars 2 toys. Motivation rawks!

Lovin' these magical moments in the midst of all the chaos!

What summer adventures have you been loving?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Best Easter Egg Designs

Today we're decorating Easter Eggs, and it's unanimous, this Easter Egg design is our favorite!

photo credit:

Here are a few more. Aren't they fantastic!

photo credit:

photo credit:

photo credit:

Check out this link for the rest of this fun collection and easy step-by-step instructions. There's so many fun designs to choose from.

Happy Egg Decorating!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Centerpiece, fresh and simple

Photo credit:

One week away from Easter and I’m still finalizing some details for brunch next week! I saw this fun inspiration from The Hostess with The Mostest, although it’s a Wants and Wishes Design. It’s organic, it’s fresh, it’s easy. Loving the carrot centerpiece!

For more details on this gorgeous Easter Tablescape, check out:

What tablescape ideas do you have planned? I’d love to hear!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Interview: Life as a Fashion Designer

Photo credit:

I've often fantasized about what life would be like if I were a fashion designer. It seems to be such a glamorous career. Enjoy this behind-the-scenes interview with a hot new designer. The industry is abuzz with fun and flirty fashionista Anne Fanganello of AnnaFesta Design (

Q. Hi Anne! Congrats on your recent award.  Can you share your background in the fashion industry?
A. Sure! Italy and Switzerland as a patternmaker for socialites and a seamstress in a sweatshop for leather and fur. I started right at the base of the ladder so I have knowledge of all steps in the process to create a beautiful garment. In high school and college I made costumes and worked in theaters. Nanette Lepore's right hand for 10 years (, and then COO of Zac Posen (

Q. Please tell us about your recent industry award.
A. AnnaFesta Design just won the People's Choice Award for The Best Clothing Design in Denver's Style awards. I was up against high end, haute couture A-mazing designers and still got the win. I am so proud that a plus size, curvy girl collection stood on equal footing with the others. Women's bodies are beautiful in every shape and size. Our runway show celebrated real women. We had 17 models from all different cultures and sizes rocking the spring/summer line. Afterwards, people flocked to the booth and bought up the styles. It was wonderful to see how we hit the runway successfully and it was not just for show but a size 20 girl could walk up and buy an item off of the rack and wear it to work or a party this week!

Q. What does fashion mean to you?
A. Fashion to me is primarily about the fit of a garment. Lots of clothing can look pretty but I like it when you feel pretty. A garment that makes you feel good adds to your confidence and happiness. I love it when someone puts on one of my dresses and looks in the mirror and breaks into a big smile. Fashion can boost confidence and enlighten your life as you flaunt what is special about your specific beauty.

Q. What are your fashion tips for plus size?
A. Wear your clothes to fit. Do not wear something too tight OR too loose. I see large girls wearing clothes that are too big and it makes them look bigger and sloppy. Be proud of your body and drape it with beautiful colors and fabrics. A good strapless bra is an amazing investment. We all fear them but if you put the effort into buying one your wardrobe will double. We do not gain weight as much in our shoulders so enhancing shoulders, necks and smiles adds confidence to your look. Take a leap of faith and buy a strapless dress or one shoulder look and your glamour factor goes through the roof.

Q. What is your go-to outfit if you're running out the door (but still want to look fab)?
A. I love a dress. You will rarely see me in jeans. I live for girly, flirty clothes. Even when I just run out the door with no makeup and a ponytail it is in a pretty dress. It also reduces thought about my outfit. I only have to think about one item - the dress - vs. matching pants or skirt with a top and accessories. When I look my prettiest, beware, I probably just rolled out of bed and threw on a fabulous red siren dress since I couldn't think beyond it.
Photo credit:

Q. What is your favorite design this season?
A. I am in love with the Cheetah Asymmetric dress with a brown leather belt. It accentuates the shoulders, looks glam, a girl can wear the belt or not depending on her body type and it is made of luxurious comfortable fabric. You look like a movie star and feel like you're in a tee shirt hanging around the house. I have seen it on a size 12 and a size 20 and they all look gorgeous in it. I love when I design a dress that is this versatile to different body types.

Q. What makes you smile?
A. Color, texture and music. I love surrounding myself with an atmosphere that stimulates my senses positively. It is always nice in the middle of a workday to spin around and smile and giggle because of a pretty pink or an amazing high note or the smooth feel of luscious fabric against my hands.

Q. You said music makes you smile, what are you listening to these days?
A. I am in a female pop star stage. Lots of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Pink and Gwen Stefani.

Anne! Thanks so much for your time. I know you guys are busy. I can't wait to see where this journey takes you. Congrats!

If you'd like to see the behind-the-scenes and the complete collection for the 2011 Runway Show, check out:

What's your favorites design in the AnnaFesta collection?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Breakfast Cookies - Lemon Ricotta & Gluten-Free

Photo credit:

It's another rainy day. We've been looking for rainbows and splashing in puddles for weeks...and although it's always hilarious watching my kiddos get soaked and is a perfect day to stay inside...we're ready to make a different kind of mess. A baking mess! I started researching some fun new healthy recipes to make with the kiddos today and I love this idea of breakfast cookies. We're going to bake up some batches and see how they freeze as well.  Do you have any ideas to make these healthier or more freeze-friendly? Huge caveat...they have to stay as delicious!

One of my new favorite food bloggers is Family Fresh Cooking Check out her recipe for lemon ricotta gluten-free breakfast cookies. Will your lil' chefs like this recipe?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kid Craft, Candy Topiary 4 Easter Tablescape

Photo credit:

How fabulous are these topiaries by Crafty Sisters? I can't wait to share this project with my kiddos - it's going to be a gooey-ooey mess of laughter and Picasso-inspired topiaries. Happiness is your kid's interpretation, right? I might have to keep these up all summer!

Do you think your kiddos will like making these?

Here's the link: with more photos and a step-by-step guide. They've done a fantastic job of making it look very easy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Katharine Hepburn

She said it so simply... "Never complain. Never explain." - Katharine Hepburn

If you're a fan of Positively Positive...then you're already enjoying these FB posts as much as I am. Otherwise, check it out. I love these reminders throughout the rays of sunshine!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Day of Spring Giveaway!

Ingredients include the highest quality of
pearls, herbs and essential oils
It's the first day of Spring.
At 4 young designs we're celebrating with a special giveaway!
Five lucky readers will be sent complementary samples from Natural Magic's Eco-Herbal skincare line by sending an email to:

Magazine's in-the-know have been giving this organic product line rave reviews. Organic Spa, Spa Today, and Skin Inc. are claiming NM as one of the best products on the market(

Don't you want to show off your pearl-like glow this spring?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kid Art Springs Flowers

Looking for a crazy-fun craft to do with the kiddos during spring break? This art project is the ideal "pop" that'll make your decor evoke blossoming happiness. It'll keep the kiddos busy as they grow their bouquets and there's so many ways you can show off their creations. I chose various different colors to mix-and-match with our tablescapes throughout spring and summer. My designers are anxious to get started!

Photo credit:

Check out how easy it is in this step-by-step diy guide by Intimate Weddings. She's a genius!

Do you think your kids will like this project?

Tory Burch Spring Collection 2011

I love Tory Burch!

Photo credit:
Her designs remind me of chic, vacation living...just fabulous. Browsing through her new Spring Collection I started daydreaming...and these shoes definitely made my wish list!

Check out Tory Burch's Behind-the-Scenes Spring 2011 Fashion Show and find out her favorite styles.

What would be on your wish list?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Raise Your Glass!

Happy Friday!

Interview 2: If you were told you were going to die, how would you live?

I'm so excited to share this next interview with you. It's my second interview in the Celebration series. A snapshot into the lives of other women. And this snapshot...even the whole photo album, it's an awesome journey...enjoy! 

InterviewIf you were given a second chance at life, what would you with it? Meet Julie Wilkes, her medical chart reads: miracle.

She’s also in the running for covergirl for Fitness Magazine, a fitness entrepreneur (, and the founder of Julie’s Wish Charity.

As a child Julie always knew that she was born with an under-developed heart. Not expected to live past childhood, she beat the odds, and then again living past adolescence.

So with a new lease of life and an enlightened perspective, what’s a girl to do but follow Oprah’s advice, read The Secret, and put her wishes out into the universe.

Q. How did your hugest obstacle become your passion?
A teacher showed me how to think of my heart as a muscle and to strengthen it with exercise. And that empowered me. Teachers can make a difference. This teacher became my coach. That was my "Aha Moment" and I was only in fifth grade. 

Q. I know The Secret inspired you? What did you put out into the universe?
A.   I knew that I was given the gift of a second chance at life – and that a gift is only as good as what you do with it.  I wanted to be able to pay forward and inspire the world through my work, but wasn’t sure how to take that first step.  The Secret says to ‘give your dreams, hopes and desires to The Universe’ – and so I wrote down on a piece of paper what I wanted to happen in my life –  what doors would need to open in order for me to go in that direction (i.e. finances, opportunities, etc).  Within two weeks, all of the things I put down on paper became a reality – and I knew I was on the right track!  I spoke to ‘The Universe’ and it spoke right back!

Q. Were there any other books that inspired you?
A. Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. If you haven't read it, you'll love it. It's an amazing book that taught me about living life authentically and passionately.

Q. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, what’s your anchor?
A. My mom always told me “there are no ordinary moments” and that’s how I choose to live my life, trying to focus on the extra-ordinary moments. And some of those moments that are closest to my heart are the children I work with through my foundation, they're facing life-threatening diseases. To be a part of their lives is a gift and a daily validation.

Q. What is your mantra?
A. Life is meant for living. Carpe Diem – seize the day – make your life extraordinary!

Q. Speaking of living...can you recommend a realistic workout for busy women?
Absolutely! I hope your readers are ready to get in shape for summer. Here's one of my workout videos.

Monday, March 14, 2011

sssshhhhhh! It's a secret...

It's our first time! And I can't wait!

The little green Irish fairy is inspiring mommy's mischievous list...
- Gold-coined treats 
- Green-dye in toilet
- Pull toilet paper into bathroom streamers
- Turn furniture upside down
- Make a trap

What am I missing???

Why I love Jake and the Never Land Pirates

There's no rushing the chemistry that may ultimately bring some boys and girls together, but for right now, at a young age, girls and boys often have different passions. My boys are always concerned when they get invited to a girl birthday party, worrying that it'll be Princess or Barbie themed... - but if you love cars, trains, superheroes, getting dirty, and being "fast" - yes, a trait hugely important to young boys, then you're their kind of girl. Otherwise, it'll take some coaching to find common ground.

Photo credit:

Disney Jr's new show, Jake and the Never Land Pirates couldn't have come to our home at a better time.

Pirates - that's definitely a topic that perks my boys' interest. This show is about three pirate playmates, two of which (Jake and Cubby) look so much like my kiddos it's hilarious. And then there's the girl, Izzy, who's equipped with pixie dust and she's so cool. Really cool. She's shattering that preschool glass ceiling of 'boys rule', and making her presence known in all her pink and pirate accessorized glory. And my boys love her. They can see firsthand, episode by episode, how girls can be incorporated into their imagination play. So much so, that now we prepare before "girl playdates" reviewing how awesome Izzy is, emphasizing that girls and boys are equals, although sometimes different playmates. So before last week's "girl playdate" we discussed that we're going to a "girl's home", so she's the host. Manners and compromise dahlings! I'm sure we can find some common ground.

Off we went to try out our new approach and the playdate was a huge success. I actually had a blast hanging with one of my bestie mom friends, and the kids had a blast getting dirty riding their bikes through puddles and climbing and sliding down muddy hills. She definitely proved to be their kind of girl, their very own Izzy.

On our drive back to our home the boys were excitedly talking over each other explaining all the cool things they did in "Izzy's room" - exploring the world of Polly Pockets, glitter, and...
D: "Mommy! Her pants were dirty, so she took them off and she showed us her pink princess underwear".
G: :"Yeah, so we took our pants off and showed her our cool superhero underwear".

After a few leading looks like their undies stayed on. Innocent enough...for now! Phew! But most importantly, my dirt-lovin' boys found common ground...with a GIRL!

What are some of your recent adventures in mommyland? Do share!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

See you at the bar

Photo credit:

I savor the wisdom you gain with age, but I loathe the gravity our once perky bodies endure. So earlier this year I started going to a Barre Fusion class. Some gyms offer classes, there are also Bar Method studios popping up all over the country, celebrating this trend as the hottest new workout for 2011. It's a fusion of Pilates and ballet, also incorporating cardio, light weights and exercises at the ballet barre. I'm sure Black Swan's Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis' stunning physiques helped fuel the excitement. And for that, I'm deliriously grateful. To me, the traditional gym workout is a hard pill to swallow. It just feels wrong. But dancing on the other hand, that feels all kinds of right. Dancing can lift your spirit and feed your soul. That's the kind of nurturing my body needs - and if you get a little leaner in the process...then that's a beautiful bonus!

See you at the barre!