Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Union Jack cookies

Graham crackers, red vines, white icing, blue icing.

My boys were at a friend's house for a playdate and they made American Flag cookies.  

Her leftovers were my party favors (I guess she knows me pretty well), and we couldn't wait to get sticky.

We ran out of stars - so with a little inspiration from Nigel Gearsley...

...to a surprise for English grandpa's visit tomorrow.

Homemade sugary goodness wrapped in kid art.

I'm not sure they're going to make it until morning.

It's been a long day.

My heart's full and my sweet tooth's feeling it!

So cute...


Thanks friend.

That made my day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pop of Turquoise, Photo Shoot

A little photo shoot with my latest design before it leaves The Workshop.

This sassy customer loves a pop of turquoise!

What's your favorite accent color?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Mini Dessert Pies

Need a fun dessert to bring to your end-of-summer shindig?

These individual strawberry pies were super easy. A combo of pre-made dough and homemade strawberry jam. Any combination of pre-made and homemade works...and any fruit works.

But getting the most flavorful fruit you can is the easiest way to make these delicious. I also added crushed and chunky strawberries to my jam to make the pie filling.

Here's the fun part! When it's time for dessert, each pie can be yummified!
Take the star lid off, add whip cream and fresh blueberries.
No extra plates, no extra utensils. And small enough for kids hands too.

What's going on in your kitchen this morning?

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday Morning at Farmer's Market

Meeting and supporting local farmers...

Listening to the mornin' Blues sung so soulfully....

Snackin' on Santa Cruz yumminess...

And soaking up the sun with the flowers...

Have a great weekend!